Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) is an advanced skin treatment available at our Ashton branch that uses platelets from your own blood to rejuvenate skin and stimulate hair growth. Our clinicians draw a small blood sample, using advanced technology the concentrated platelets are separated from your red blood cells and injected directly into the face or scalp. This procedure uses your body’s own resources and mechanisms to stimulate natural growth factors and improve the skin tone and texture whilst regenerating collagen to restore a healthy glow. It is an effective treatment for those who have any premature wrinkles, pigmentation and acne scarring. When injected into the scalp this treatment proven to be a powerful anti-hair loss solution by promoting new cell and hair growth. This is a safe, non-invasive treatment with no downtime and typically, results are very impressive with most clients able to see a noticeable difference within a few weeks.

PRP Hair Loss

Do you want to stop your hair thinning?
Stimulate your hair regrowth with PRP and restore your hair confidence with thicker and fuller hair. PRP is a highly effective hair restoration treatment which stimulates inactive or newly implanted hair follicles into an active growth phase. Supported by clinical research, this treatment is the natural alternative to other popular hair restorative treatments. Whether you want to reverse the signs of common hair loss conditions such as male pattern baldness and alopecia or you are enhancing the results of your hair transplant, PRP contains an abundance of growth factors that help cells to repair and regenerate. Following treatment, our clients have noticed a significant improvement in hair density resulting in a thicker, fuller head of hair. Book today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your options.

PRP For Skin

Re-awaken the collagen production in your skin for a naturally youthful look. PRP has a long history of being used in regenerative medicine and is a popular injection therapy which enhances tissue regeneration and helps to improve your complexion and skin texture. A PRP treatment usually lasts around 30-45 minutes, allowing you to easily fit it into your busy schedule and involves no downtime which means you can continue your day. While responses to treatments can be seen after just one PRP treatment most patients find that they require between 3-4 sessions. Our expert team will be able to provide you more information based on your needs at your consultation and provide a personalised treatment plan for you.

What can I expect on the day of my treatment?

There are three steps to this treatment, firstly one of our medical professionals will draw a small blood sample from your arm, the blood is then centrifuged and finally the nurse will inject the PRP carefully into the areas which require treatment.

Does the treatment hurt?

This treatment is typically painless, a topical cream or local anaesthetic is administered to numb the area however there may be minimal discomfort

Is this treatment safe?

PRP is natural and safe as it uses your body’s own cells rather than synthetic substances.

How many sessions will I need?

Most PRP studies report the best results after 3-4 treatments, we generally recommend at least three to six treatments at 4 week intervals in order to gain the best results

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